NEW Location as of October 2023

Queen’s Medical Center

666 Appleby Line, Burlington, L7L 5Y3


What is Osteopathy? Osteopathy is a distinct approach to healthcare based on the understanding that the body is an integrated and interrelated system. Rooted in the principles of anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics, osteopathic medicine emphasizes the interrelationship between the body’s nerves, muscles, bones, and other organic systems. Unlike conventional treatment modalities that often fo... Read More

What is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a distinct approach to healthcare based on the understanding that the body is an integrated and interrelated system. Rooted in the principles of anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics, osteopathic medicine emphasizes the interrelationship between the body’s nerves, muscles, bones, and other organic systems. Unlike conventional treatment modalities that often focus on alleviating symptoms, osteopathy aims to identify and treat the root cause of your ailment.

What to Expect During Osteopathy Session?
Upon your arrival, Osteopath will start with a comprehensive medical history review and a thorough physical examination. You may undergo diagnostic tests such as range-of-motion assessments or palpations, as needed. Once the core issues are identified, a personalized treatment plan will be created. The session may include a range of osteopathic techniques including but not limited to joint mobilization, soft tissue manipulation, and craniosacral techniques.

Osteopathic techniques have been shown to be effective in a broad array of conditions including:
1- Musculoskeletal pain (e.g., back pain, neck pain, and arthritis)
2- Headaches and migraines
3-Postural issues
4- Digestive problems
5- Respiratory conditions (e.g., asthma)
6- Chronic fatigue syndrome
7- Sports injuries

The benefits of osteopathic treatment are multifaceted and extend beyond immediate symptom relief. Here are some key advantages:
- Holistic Approach: Considers the entire body, rather than isolating a single area for treatment.
- Preventative Care: Identifies underlying issues that may prevent future problems.
- Enhanced Mobility: Improves joint mobility and muscle function, leading to a more flexible and stronger body.
- Reduced Pain: Many patients experience significant reductions in pain and discomfort, often without the need for medication.
- Improved Quality of Life: With the alleviation of symptoms and improvement in bodily functions, patients often report a noticeable enhancement in their overall well-being and daily activities.

Craniosacral Therapy

What is Craniosacral Therapy? Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a specialized form of osteopathic treatment that focuses on the craniosacral system—comprising the skull, spine, and sacrum. It is based on the principle that subtle movements within this system can influence the functioning of the central nervous system and, by extension, overall health. CST employs gentle, non-invasive manipulations... Read More

What is Craniosacral Therapy?
Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a specialized form of osteopathic treatment that focuses on the craniosacral system—comprising the skull, spine, and sacrum. It is based on the principle that subtle movements within this system can influence the functioning of the central nervous system and, by extension, overall health. CST employs gentle, non-invasive manipulations aimed at detecting and correcting imbalances in the craniosacral fluid and related structures.

What to Expect During a Craniosacral Therapy Session:
Upon your initial visit, your Osteopath will perform a detailed assessment to evaluate the state of your craniosacral system. The session will usually involve you lying down on a treatment table, fully clothed. your Osteopath will apply light touch at various points on your head, spine, and pelvis to assess and modulate the craniosacral rhythm. Subsequent sessions will build upon these findings, employing more specific manipulations tailored to your needs.

Craniosacral Therapy has been shown to be effective for a variety of conditions, including but not limited to:
1- Migraines and headaches
2- Chronic neck and back pain
3- Stress and tension-related issues
4- Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders
5- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
6- Pediatric conditions such as colic and developmental delays

Patients may experience several benefits from Craniosacral Therapy:
- Deep Relaxation: Many patients report a deep sense of relaxation during and after treatment.
- Reduced Symptoms: Effective in reducing symptoms of stress, tension, and pain.
- Holistic Healing: Addresses the body as a whole, not just isolated symptoms, for more comprehensive healing.
- Enhanced Bodily Functions: Can improve physiological functions related to the nervous system, circulatory system, and musculoskeletal system.
- Safety and Compatibility: Non-invasive and gentle, making it suitable for patients of all ages, including infants and the elderly.

Ernest Geid is a Canadian Osteopathic Manual Practitioner, he is the owner and founder of “Osteopathy First”, he has a vast hands-on clinical experience in manual therapy and therapeutic exercises. Ernest hold a Diploma of Osteopathic Manual Practice (DOMP). He is delivering Osteopathy Techniques using Multi-Modal Approach and European Style Osteopathy. Ernest is an international graduate medical doctor, in addition, he holds a Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) from National University of Medical Sciences in Spain.

Ernest strongly believe in the 4 principles of Osteopathy:

1- Each body’s structure supports the body’s functions. If a structure is out of place, the body will not function at its best.

2- The natural flow of the body’s fluids – lymphatic, vascular and neurological – must be preserved and maintained.

3- The human body is the sum of its parts. Its physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and cognitive systems work in harmony.

4- When the body has no restrictions, it has the inherent ability to heal itself.

Ernest as an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner identify, assess, and treat the body’s structures and rhythms using a gentle, hands-on approach. This fundamental technique is called osteopathic palpation. Osteopathic palpation is what makes osteopathy different from other forms of therapy.

Ernest uses four major treatment techniques in his practice:

1- Osteopathic Articular Technique: used to reduce muscle spasms near a joint, ease neurological irritations around a joint, make joints more mobile & reduce pain and discomfort

2- Cranial – Sacral Therapy: This is the gentlest osteopathic technique, and it requires the most experience to use effectively and wisely. The goal of this technique is to adjust the body’s physiology by restoring balance to the circulation of the blood and other body fluids.

3- Soft Tissue Therapy: used in many different ways. In general, he uses it to evaluate the condition of tissues and to help the body’s fluids (such as blood and lymphatic fluid) flow smoothly. Keeping fluids flowing smoothly reduces harmful fluid retention and makes the body’s immune system more effective.

4- Visceral Manipulation: used to gently move the structures themselves and the fascia (connective tissue) that surrounds the structures to restore full movement of organs. Most patients treated with visceral manipulation feel only gentle pressure of the osteopathic manual practitioner’s hand. But the corrections are powerful enough to improve the mobility of an organ, improve blood flow, and help the organ function more effectively.

Ernest has a Professional Membership in the following Osteopathy Associations:

Ontario Osteopathic & Alternative Medicine Association (OOAMA)

National Manual Osteopathic Society (NMOS)

Society of Osteopaths of Canada (SOC)

Ernest Geid is a Canadian Osteopathic Manual Practitioner, he is the owner and founder of “Osteop... Read More

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Located at: 666 Appleby Line, Unit C105, Burlington
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